The staff at Lori’s is truly unique. The sales associates will assist you in coordinating apparel and accessories to make you feel as good as you look. Add the three full-time golf professionals to the mix and you’ll get personalized and customized club fittings and / or club repairs. Individual and group instruction, camps, clinics, outings and golf packages offered through Lori’s Golf Shoppe only adds to the exceptionality
of this shoppe.To make things easier for her customers, Lori launched an online shoppe at Lorisgolfshoppe.com. Browse through this internationally recognized site to find over 5000 golf and tennis related items. Shipping options and special promotions will allow you to get more for your money.
Shopping at Lori’s Golf Shoppe is truly an experience you’ll want to repeat time and again. Walk through her doors and you’ll make new friends for life. Lori’s is the place Where All Golfing Gals Gather for fun and friendship under the sun!