The “polka dot” pattern never seems to lose its appeal. Its eye-catching quality draws one to its style. The “dots” can be subtle as seen above in the Bennington ladies’ golf bags with red on black or black on white pattern. There is also the more obvious “dot” pattern that can be found on the ladies’ Bennington or ladies’ Keri golf bags. The Bennington ladies’ Pink Ribbon golf bag, covered in pink and black polka dots, speaks to the breast cancer awareness efforts that permeate our world. The ladies’ Keri golf bag is brightly designed to signal a passion for color and a love for the game.
Of course, “the dots” can be found on many ladies’ golf accessories as well as junior girl golf accessories. Pictured above, you’ll find junior girl “Garb” golf apparel in which their pink polka-dot skort has been a big hit with the younger generation.
Young or old, big or small, “the dots” have found their way on many ladies’ golf items. You’ll also see those dots appear on ladies’ golf socks, head covers, ladies’ golf shirts, junior girl shoe bags, ladies’ golf belts, ladies’ Cape Cod “after golf” shoes, ladies’ golf hats and visors, and the list goes on!
The best thing about “the dots” is that they can all be easily purchased through Lori’s Golf Shoppe or Lori’s Junior Girl Golf Shoppe. carries every ladies’ golfing need for both on and off the course. Her ladies’ golf apparel is perfect for any casual event from golf outing to cocktail party! Some of Loris’ ladies’ golf totes are even insulated to help you keep those drink-ables cool in the dead heat of summer. Lori’s just has it all for every golfing lady and junior golfing girl to hit the links.
Log on to to browse through the hundreds of golfing items that are geared for the female golfer. And as you browse through the store, navigate on over to Lori’s Junior Golf Shoppe to find golfing items to completely outfit that up and coming young golfer in your family. Lori’s has it all and is just waiting for your call! Remember, it’s where all the Golfing Gals Gather!